CIRCO PAROLA - Pantakin da Venezia
Alice and Marcel collaborate from 2011 to 2012 with the Pantakin company from Venice in a new production of Circus-Theater.
Per voce, attrezzi e tendini.
Directed by: Emanuele Pasqualini
Text: Tiziano Scarpa
Choreographic movements: Silvia Gribaudi and Gaetano Ruocco Guadagno
A trio of circus actors tired of being covered in gold. A country always ready to enhance its talents. An intertwining of physical sentences and verbal acrobatics.
The new challenge of Pantakin Circo Teatro and Tiziano Scarpa, Venetian writer Premio Strega 2009.
A show in which the circus numbers are not only those of the tools and bodies but also those of the words.
The Duo più o meno, in the winter of 2011 they decided to embark on a new adventure under the circus tent of the Bellucci family, a traditional circus.
Here they will be part of the show "Pirates of the Caribbean" with their numbers of Chinese pole and air circle.
CARMEN. La stella del circo Siviglia
Alice and Marcel in February 2018 make their debut at the Teatro Sociale in Como with the opera show "Carmen".
AsLiCo production in co-production with Bregenzer Festspiele
XXII EDITION of Opera Domani.
The project that brings the opera into the classroom and family and invites everyone to the theater to create tomorrow's audience.
Director: Azzurra Steri
Directed by: Andrea Bernard
Choreography: Marta Negrini
Scenes: Andrea Bernard, Alberto Beltrame
Costumes: Elena Beccaro
A work like Carmen offers the opportunity to treat, through art, a sensitive theme such as violence against women and its consequences, readapting it in a circus world for an audience of children and young people in training.
150 replicas in Italy and many others in Austria and France.
MEDEA IN CORINTO -Donizetti Opera 2021
"Young people do not feel pain," says Hecuba in Euripides' Medea. But no: they do feel it. This is the starting point for the highly original
direction by: Francesco Micheli
for Medea in Corinth, a masterpiece by Giovanni Simone Mayr.

Tour 2024
Festival d'art de rue Sion (CH) "Spettacolo Una Coppia Scoppiata"
Festa artusiana Forlimpopoli (IT) "Spettacolo Una Coppia Scoppiata"
Festival Lunathica (IT) “Spettacolo Una Coppia Scoppiata”
Marameno Festival (IT) "Spettacolo Una Coppia Scoppiata"
TolfArte (IT) "Spettacolo Una Coppia Scoppiata"
Gaukler Festival Feldkirch (AT) "Spettacolo Una Coppia Scoppiata"
Festival d'Aurillac (FR) "Spettacolo Una Coppia Scoppiata"
Nortsea island-tour (GE) "Spettacolo Una Coppia Scoppiata"
Werne Straben Festival (GE) "Spettacolo Una Coppia Scoppiata"
Salò Buskers Festival (IT) "Spettacolo Sere Yo Maestro"